Olton / Solihull B92

Olton / Solihull B92

In the medieval period, Solihull was a small market town and a part of the Forest of Arden. It was known for its agriculture and local industries like weaving and tanning. The parish church of St.
Alphege, which dates back to the 13th century, stands as a testament to the town’s historical importance. The opening of the Grand Junction Railway in the 19th century spurred industrial growth and improved connectivity. However, Solihull remained largely rural until the mid-20th century, when it saw significant urban expansion and housing development. The establishment of the Birmingham Airport (formerly Elmdon Airport) in the 1930s further contributed to the area’s growth and importance as a transportation hub. Today, Solihull is a prosperous suburban area known for its affluence, good schools, and green spaces. It continues to be a sought-after residential location and a centre for businesses in various sectors.

Olton Solihull B92 Business Directory

Local businesses are at the heart of the Olton Solihull B92 economy. From independent tradespeople, specialist services, and start-ups, to long-standing and much-loved family businesses, local businesses are part of what makes our community special. If you’re looking for local electricians, roofing contractors, fencing, or burglary prevention advice, then there’s a local business with the specialist knowledge you need.

How do you find a trusted local business in the Solihull and Olton B92 area?

Quick Find makes it simple to find the businesses and people you need when you need them. As the most popular business directory for Solihull and Olton B92, we’re on hand to help you whether you’re looking for TV aerial installation, acupuncture, or driveway paving!

The original trades and business directory for Solihull and Olton B92

Quick Find is the original trades and business directory, delivered throughout Birmingham and the surrounding areas to over a million residents annually. Now established as the leading Midlands business listings it’s the place local people go to find honest, trustworthy and reliable businesses. We’ve got everything covered, whether you’re looking for a locksmith, drainage specialist, or extension cleaning, you can be sure that you’ll find the service that you need. When it comes to local tradespeople, Quick Find is the directory you can trust in Solihull, Olton and across the West Midlands.

Get listed in the Quick Find Directory

When people in Solihull and Olton B92 are looking for a tradesperson, local business or specialist service, they turn to Quick Find. Over the years we’ve established ourselves as the trusted trade and business directory across Birmingham and the West Midlands. We independently vet each business listed in the directory, giving Quick Find users confidence in the quality of service a local business offers. When you’re listed on Quick Find, you immediately boost your local credibility. Homeowners know that you can be trusted to deliver a first-class service. Quick Find is a great way for local businesses to market themselves to local consumers. Our trusted local reputation and huge circulation means that when you’re listed in the Quick Find directory your details are readily available for your target market. With a strong local emphasis, Quick Find supports local businesses, helping them to grow by delivering a great service to local people.

Looking for a trusted local business?

Choose Quick Find We make it easy for homeowners to find the tradespeople they need in Solihull and Olton B92, providing a tried, tested, and trusted service. Whether you’re looking for audio and visual installation, CCTV, or drive cleaning, Quick Find puts the trusted tradespeople you need at your fingertips. We provide the largest distribution per area of any local directory around Birmingham with up to 25,000 copies delivered per area every three months. Businesses who join us get 20% more enquiries than they had before joining.

Quick Find is the first choice for homeowners and local businesses in Solihull and Olton B92. To find out how Quick Find can help your business grow fill out our enquiry form or call one of our friendly team today!