Lewis Carpentry & Building work on all types of residential projects, including custom carpentry projects, garage conversions, kitchens, Outdoor Living, and house renovations. They’re proud to help make your house into a home. A Quick Find Directories vetted and recommended local business covering Sutton Coldfield and surrounding areas.
Services Include:
Custom carpentry projects
Outdoor Living
Garage Conversions
Custom carpentry projects
Why choose this company
Q. Are Lewis Carpentry & Building a good Vetted and recommended by Quick Find Directories. Lewis Carpentry & Building work on all types of house renovation projects from custom carpentry projects to kitchens & outdoor Living?
At Quick Find Directories we do a rigorous check on all businesses who join our directories. This means, where possible, checking customer reviews, social media, legal qualifications and more depending on the type of business. A Quick Find Approved award is given to all businesses who are added to our directories as a sign of trust and reliability.
Q. What checks are carried out for Lewis Carpentry & Building?
As part of the Quick Find directories approval process we check all businesses for valid public liability insurance, business credentials, trade qualifications (where applicable), whether they have any CCJs or bankruptcy, and customer references. Checks occur when companies are added to our website by a member of the Quick Find staff.
Q. What does the Quick Find Approved logo mean?
The Quick Find Approved logo is a sign of trust in that particular business. Every trader or business in our directories undergoes a rigorous vetting procedure. We believe this is what makes us stand out from our competition.
Q. What if I need help from Quick Find?
We are always here for you should you need any support or have any queries. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. Should you have any issues with our businesses we have a complaints procedure to ensure you get the assistance you need when you require it the most.
2 recommendations
David Bowen
Simon is an excellent carpenter, having worked on many projects in my house. Including a new Kitchen, bathroom, utility roof extension, wood panelling, media wall , and bespoke cabinet.
June 28, 2023
Bev D
Can not Stress enough how pleased I am with my Garage conversion Simon did. Lewis Carpentry changed it into a Walk in bathroom / Shower room with a low profile shower and beautiful panelled walls. I am just so delighted with the results and cant recommend him enough.
June 22, 2023